Just like with the different Audi e-tron foil front wings, you can also customize the handling of the Audi eFoil from Aerofoils with the stabilizer or tail wing.
As standard, the Audi e-tron foil comes with the 400 stabilizer, which is well matched to the standard Freeride 1350 wing. But you could also combine the 1350 with the 380 stabilizer to make the eFoil a bit faster and more agile. In general, the smaller the rear wing, the faster and more agile the ride.
Here's an overview of the Audi e-tron foil stabilizers:
Please note that the front wings are sold separately. There will be more Audi e-tron foil stabilizer available soon.
Here is a video in which Aerofoil's CTO Chris explains the Audi e-tron foil wings in detail. Note that it is in German, but you can turn on subtitles on our E-Surfer Youtube channel: