Electric surfboard comparison
Surfboard with motor - eSurfboard buying guide
Surfboard with Motor
Surfboard with motor

Looking for a a surfboard with a motor? Our e-surfboard buying guide gives you an introduction to the different electric surfboard models.

The first surfboard with motor already existed in 1930. At that time, the boards looked a little strange. If you want to know more about these first surfboards with motor, you can read the story under "motorized surfboards" in our blog.


Surfboard with motor - The e-Surfboard buying guide from Andreas ( E-Surfer)


Which surfboard with motor models are there?

Basically, there are three variants of the surfboard with motor.

An eFoil or electric hydrofoil surfboard is an e-surfboard that floats above the water. A jetboard, on the other hand, rides on the surface of the water. And an E-SUP is a stand up paddle board with an electric motor. Such an electric SUP only reaches speeds of 5 to 10 Km/h and is therefore the slowest electric surfboard.


Do you want to get advice over the phone?
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For advice by email, please fill in the form at one of the product pages. We usually reply within a few hours and find the right eFoil for you. We are based in Berlin, Germany and serve customers all over Europe.


Ideally, you should visit our headquarters in Berlin or one of our branches and try out the electric surfboards. For this purpose we offer for example eFoil lessons. If this is not possible, we will be happy to advise you by phone. A good start is also this electric surfboard online buying guide for a first surfboard with motor comparison.

What is an eFoil?

An electric hydrofoil surfboard, or eFoil for short, floats above the water. A flying surfboard? That's right. Thanks to a mast under the surfboard to which an underwater wing and a motor are attached, the surfboard takes off. eFoils have become very popular in recent years.

You already know that it should be an eFoil? Jump right to our eFoil buying guide.

The first eFoil was developed in the summer of 2008 as an Evolo project by students at KTH Sweden, led by our (now) friend Professor Jakob Kuttenkeuler. Jakob last visited us in Berlin in 2022. Here is a photo of us before we took an eFoil tour through Berlin:


e-Surfboard buying guide - eFoil founder Jakob
e-Surfboard buying guide - Andreas (sitting) with Jakob, the inventor of the eFoil

The first commercial eFoil was launched in the summer of 2018 by the company Lift Foils. Lift likes to claim to be the inventor of the eFoil, but that's not entirely accurate. At that time, various companies were already developing eFoils and Fliteboard came to market just a few months later.

Why are eFoils so popular? Well, first of all, it looks spectacular to see someone floating about 70 cm above the water. Quasi noiseless and without producing any waves. The eFoils are even quieter than the electric jetboards because the motor has less power and is mounted under water.

The second major reason why eFoils have taken the top spot in the surfboard with motor segment is the range. Premium eFoils from Audi and Fliteboard achieve up to 2 hours of runtime with a charge time of 1.5 to 2 hours. Jetboards have far less, as you can read below.

Since 2018, we have given hundreds of eFoil lessons


And last but not least, eFoils are classified as small vehicles (at least in Germany), while jetboards are considered "jetskis" by German authorities. Jetskis are heavily regulated in Germany. Why is there a distinction? eFoils do not create waves, are quieter and come to an immediate stop after a crash.

Price-wise, premium eFoils range from 12 to 16 thousand EUR incl. VAT. You can find our top seller in the eFoil Shop.

I was supposed to test ride my first eFoil (a DIY surfboard with motor) in December 2017 in Los Angeles. Unfortunately something was wrong with the electric surfboard controller, but it worked out in April 2018.  So at least a little bit, as you can see on the following video from the E-Surfer Youtube channel:

My first time on the eFoil

In July 2018 I had the opportunity to meet Fliteboard CEO David in Spain. There he gave me more eFoil lessons on his Fliteboards.

Surfboard with motor - Jetboard

Gasoline-powered jetboards have been around since the thirties, as described at the beginning. However, jetboards only really became popular around the turn of the millennium after the Czech company Jetsurf had already started to develop jet boards for racing in 1994.

However, since a gasoline-powered surfboard with motor is noisy and produces exhaust fumes, the jetboard market is increasingly dominated by electric motors. The first models were the Waterwolf, Onean and the first generation Lampuga.

You already know that it should be a jetboard? Jump straight to our Jetboard buying guide.

Jetboards and eFoils are a bit like skiing and snowboarding. One person likes high speed downhill skis and the other likes snowboarding in powder snow. On the one hand speed and the direct contact with the water and on the other hand the relaxed cruising over the water.


Andreas on the Waterwolf electric surfboard 2018


For those who want to be even more finely informed about the differences of these electric surfboard variants, we have written a detailed article in our blog. You can find it under: Jetboard or eFoil.

Even though far more eFoils are sold, we still have many customers who need the splash of water. Some are also not comfortable with taking off with an electric surfboard.

So for those who can live with 30 to 45 minutes of jetboard runtime, the jetboard should be the surfboard with motor of choice. In terms of price, premium jetboards range from 12 to 20 thousand EUR. You can find our top seller in the Jetboard Shop.

E-SUP with motor

An electric SUP can not reach speeds of 50 km/h like an eFoil or Jetboard. This is also not the purpose of this surfboard with motor. It is more about supporting the paddler in headwinds or after a long ride. The maximum speeds are 5 to 10 km/h for this electric surfboard.

There are complete electric SUP surfboards like the Sipaboards and single motors like the Scubajet. Prices for premium E-SUPS are around 2.000 EUR. You can find our top sellers in the E-SUP Shop.

To find the right surfboard with motor, ideally visit our test center in Berlin or one of our branches. The proof of the pudding is in the eating ;-)


Andrea on the Sipaboards E-SUP


There is a reason why top players in the eFoil and Jetboard field who have developed their electric surfboard products over years charge around 12,000-20,000 EUR including VAT and shipping and we find it hard to believe that some newcomers can deliver similar quality at half the price.

As mentioned earlier, we are particularly concerned about cheap batteries, which account for 30-40% of the price. Of course, 12-15,000 EUR is not a small investment, but you should compare the value with a jet ski / personal watercraft and not with a "surfboard with a motor". It is a whole range of very new technologies that are used in the electric surfboards.

If you choose a cheap offer from China without local support, it may be very expensive for you, as you may spend a few thousand EUR for nothing at all. We don't want to be negative in our surfboard with motor buying guide, but probably realistic.

Do you have feedback or questions about our e-surfboard comparison? Then please share it in our forum.

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